Hình ảnh thiên văn tuyệt đẹp của nasa
Jovian Tempest
This color-enhanced image of a massive, raging storm in Jupiter’s northern hemisphere was captured by NASA’s Juno spacecraft.
Star Wanders Too Close to a Black Hole
This artist’s rendering shows the tidal disruption event named ASASSN-14li, where a star wandering too close to a 3-million-solar-mass black hole was torn apart. The debris gathered into an accretion disk around the black hole.
When (Neutron) Stars Collide
This illustration shows the hot, dense, expanding cloud of debris stripped from neutron stars just before they collided.
Illustration of Cool Dust Around an Active Black Hole
This artist illustration shows the thick ring of dust that can obscure the energetic processes that occur near the supermassive black hole of an active galactic nuclei. Researchers have found that the dust surrounding active, ravenous black holes is much more compact than previously thought.